Friday, January 04, 2008

Oy. Ve. Redux

Turns out the creeping crud was, and is, stomach flu. Am doing much better today - can sit up for entire minutes!

Of course, this has not been fun, and in some ways it could not have come at a better time. It didn't happen while I was staying at the inlaws, and it didn't happen during my road trip that begins this sunday.

It did, however, happen during my three days of work scheduled between those two trips. Boo.

The full body aches were the worst - even Crossfit doesn't do that at ya.


JaHo said...

Awww, that sucks. It's a bad one. I had it before Christmas, and it's been going around like crazy.

Hope you feel better!

Crossfit (stomach flu version):
-Sitting up for time.

Post time spent sitting up to comments.

J4 said...

Dude... having survived the dread illness myself, I'm impressed that you blogged during the achy bit. I couldn't even lay flat and read.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you are sick! The stomach flu is the worst. I will lay still for HOURS just so I don't have to throw up. Maybe that's why I was never a good partier in my early days! I hope you are on the fast road to recovery soon!
:) Kim

J4 said...

Thanks Kim!

Luckily I'm not a puker. However, it reminds me of the old joke about hangovers. First your worried that you're going to die, then you're worried that you're not.
