Wednesday, January 23, 2008



This has not been a good month. Holiday eating (yum!), didn't go overboard but still had more sugary goodies than I'm used to. Travel eating (yum!), didn't go overboard, but selection is limited. Stomach flu (not so much on the yum), made me a picky eater for over a week.

Also haven't been Crossfitting. Have been keeping fairly active, but this last week has been cold, I've been wiped out from travelling, and there's just a touch of laziness thrown in there. Also, I've been sleeping a whole bunch again - whether or not it's the thyroid thing, winter, illness, or some other thing, it's a bit frustrating.

So, it was with some trepidation that I started myself back on track today and pulled out the tape measure to see how I'm doing. My weight is down a couple of pounds since I got home from LA, so I'm hoping the travel bloat has passed.

I did not expect this:

1/23/2007 (10/30/2007)
Thigh 27" (27.25")
Belly 42" (44.5")
Bum 45.75" (46.5")
Boobs No Bra 47.75" (47.25")
Chest Above Boobs 42.75" (44.5")
Upper Arm 14.75" (14")

Total 219" (224.5")

Since Halloween, I'm down 5.5 inches on my body measurements. Wahooo!

Since Thanksgiving, I'm down 2.25 inches. *grin*

I don't feel thinner, I don't think I look thinner, but I can't argue with these numbers. They prove that in some small ways, I am making progress.



@TuttleMan123 said...

This is awesome news! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your hard work. It can be very frustrating if you don't see improvements, and it looks like you are seeing some good ones.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! Keep up the great work. At times it's fun to see the progress in numbers. Somehow that makes it more real. You must be on the right track. We'll continue to inspire each other. I needed a shot in the arm and you just gave me one. Thanks!