Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Back On The Horse


After a couple of weeks of doing components of CFWU at home and discovering that I can do a passable dip off the edge of the kitchen countertop, we finally managed to sign up at the Y. It's only 10 minutes away (in no traffic) as opposed to 25 minutes away (in no traffic) for the entirely awesome but too far away former gym. This is great - only took me an hour to drive there, dress, sweat for a while, re-dress, and go. Yay! It's also next to my favorite fancy grocery store, the library, my doctor's office, my pharmacy, my Barnes & Noble, and lots of tasty restaurants.

My CFWU was awesome. My situps were great, my pushups were no more or less wobbly than the last time I did them in a gym. Pullups were at once awful and awesome. On maximum assist I had to break them up into sets - my strength curve needs to go up, and my weight curve needs to go down before I'll make much progress on these. However, I'm actually doing pullups now, thanks to the fancy assist machine, rather than doing pulldowns in a half crouch. Dips were awesome, next week I'll reduce the assist on those.

The WOD was Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1. The idea is that with the first one, you do a reasonably high weight in your range, and add weight so that by the last one you should be at your absolute limit and thisclose to biffing it.

Since I've been out of commission for a bit, I didn't exactly do this. I just did Front Squat 2-10 with the 45lb bar. It went really well. I think next time this comes up I'll be in good shape to push a bit harder.

I do miss the back extension machine at the other gym. I tried doing Good Mornings, but didn't feel like I was doing anything other than stretching my hamstrings. Next time I'm going to try doing them over an exercise ball...

1 comment:

JaHo said...

Yay! And there was much rejoicing and clinking of Kool-Aid glasses.

Good mornings are a poor sub for real back extensions. You might have to get creative.

Still, on the whole, I'd trade the pullup assist for the back extensions.

congrats on the new gym!