Thursday, October 25, 2007


My digestion has not gone awry... it's just that I've just discovered that I can't do 60 situps. Boo. Well, I probably *can* do sixty situps, but not as a part of the workout I did today.
The realdeal workout for gnarly types is:

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Dilute this down to Buttercup strength and you get:
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 Back Extensions
20 Sit-ups

The running is no problem now, I'm a bit slow but I make it.

The back extensions are super easy - apparently I've got a strong back. I get done with my 10 and seriously feel like I've been cheating. Not hard at all.

The sit-ups, well, different story. First 20 went fine. Second 20, not so much. Third 20, much better than second, but still didn't make it to the end. Boo.

While I was in the back room at the gym trying not to embarrass myself doing situps, there was a guy in there who is obviously a competetive bodybuilder. He was huge and brown and muscly and wearing nothing but his knickers. His girlfriend was videoing him and he was practicing for a competition, trying to find the most "interesting" poses. Don't mind me over here in the corner, sweating over situps. *blush*

Speaking of blushing. When I exercise I turn bright red. Always have done. It has nothing to do with how fit (or not) I am at any given time. Simply put, I exercise, I turn red. So I'm doing the running bit of today's workout, I'm actually rather pleased because it went really really well. No funny pains. Only got a sidestitch twice. Ran the whole time at a proper running speed. Yay! Also bright red. Also sweating inelegantly.

As this is happening, I look around the gym. There are quite a few people in, and the people watching here is pretty good. Nobody else is sweating. No one. No one else is red. There's a girl who often works out at the same time I do while I'm running round the gym looking confusedly at the directions I wrote myself at home and muttering to myself (what's tabata again? wait, was that 10 back extensions and 20 situps, or 20 back extensions and 10 situps? darn, that guy took my pulldown machine. ack, gonna puke. phew. didn't puke. whoops, shirt flipped up on the extension machine, good job I'm wearing my brunhilda bra, must remember to wear cute undies - pants creep down butt during squats... you get the idea).

She is a very elegant exerciser. No sweat. No red face. Cute hairdo. Perfect little outfit. No muscles ;) She comes in, does half an hour on the elliptical machine, then leaves. Seems boring to me, but I guess it must work for her.

So, I stagger off the treadmill and start the walk of shame back to the room with Mr. Incredible in it posing for a video camera and this other buff dude looks me up and down and says, very nicely, "Wow! You're red! Did you just go tanning?"

*laughing* "Nope! I'm just really unfit!"
He replies "Well it looks AWESOME!"
*again laughing* "Thanks! This is what happens every time I exercise... charming, eh?"
He replies "Wow... I wish *I* could do that"

Ummmm... okay. Trade ya.

Weird interchange. Nice guy though, next time I saw him he was helping someone use the equipment, so there's a decent chance he's a trainer there.

1 comment:

JaHo said...

Get used to getting strange looks. When personal trainers look at what you're doing, shake your head, and tell you "that's pretty intense, man" then you know you have something to be proud of.

My "Michael" was pretty difficult today. Set an all time best evah time for the first round, then promptly blew up and slogged through the rest of it for a slightly worse time than last time. Oh well, I just have to learn to reign myself in on the run and save something for the back extensions and situps.

Back extensions work me but hard. Hate 'em.