Monday, October 15, 2007


Man, I feel awesome. Still sleeping a whole bunch, but I actually have energy during the day. It's like waking up from a long nap. I'm getting projects done that have been annoying me for years. I'm not bothered by starting something, because I'm pretty sure I'll be finishing it soon. I'm not working on things "because I ought to" or "it really needs doing" or "is due now" or "don't want to piss off so-and-so". I feel like I've finally been let in on a secret and I'm jealous as hell of all the time that has been wasted.

I can't be imagining this - I'm certain it's not psychosomatic.

This of course means that it still could be. I got my way - proved that something is wrong, secured treatment, disproved the naysayers. Ha! This could be the high of achievement... except I didn't even feel this good when I finished my Master's degree.

So, I must do the needful. Meet Big G.

Before Swallowing:




After Swallowing:


Not quite as visible in real life ;)

Sorry if that grossed you out. Kind of grosses me out too. It was harder than I anticipated to post this.



Anonymous said...

Hashimoto’s is the most common thyroid disease in the U.S.
Have you heard about Thyroid neck check?

Anonymous said...

Many factors causing a goiter and gives no symptoms at all. For example is physiologic goiter. This type of goiter often happens to teenagers and sometimes to pregnant or menopause women. There is no problems following this goiter, except become bigger. Nevertheless, in few countries, goiter was assumed as beauty sign of a woman. Most pictures or paintings of women in Renaissance age have a big neck because of goiter, which they thought it increased the beauty of woman.