Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Legs no workie

Well it's been a heckuva week. Husband had to flit off to exciting and exotic Cranbury, New Jersey for an urgent work thing. I was stuck at home in the smog (can you believe it? in Minnesota?) with a dog who is pining dearly for his beloved Dad, trying like heck to get through a ginormous to-do list that always seems to precede travel. On Saturday we fly away to scenic and educational Williamsburg, Virginia for a week with the inlaws. Phew.

Thus, I have unwittingly missed a whole bunch of workouts this week. I have been pretty grumpy about this too. Boo!

However, there was one I managed to do, it was one I could do from home. It was a repeat of My First Ever Crossfit Workout (tm). The realdeal omfg ur insane workout is something along the lines of "Walking Lunges - 300meters".

Um, no. Just no.

First time I did this I did "Walking Lunges - two laps in basement". It crippled me. I was walking like I'd had surgery to replace my thigh muscles with wood. Walking down stairs was an essay in controlled falling down stairs. Walking up stairs was a trial in self control - think Muad'dib with his hand in the burny box. Rumor has it that that workout reduced my brother, he of the impressive buffitude and really good legs, to scooching down stairs on his bum. The workout is that bad.

Of course, that means I love it. Heh.

Well, I made it three laps in the basement this time, and had to dash because I was late for something. Forgot to time myself. D'oh! I even have a fancy new "I'm an official Crossfictim"
stopwatch watch thing. Thanks Jaho!

Two days later, I'm fine. The legs hurt, of course, and I have a delightful new awareness of the subtle and complex musculature of my own bum, but I'm really fine. A bit slow on stairs, of course, but not falling down them and crying up them.

One might say "progress". :)

The walking lunges went much better this time too, my balance was much better and it was a true walking lunge, not a step-lunge-stand-wobble-lunge-wobble-step-whoopsie-wobble...

I'm trying to hatch a plan for being able to exercise at the inlaws next week. I think I might pick an exercise or two to work to exhaustion at each workout with a short run. Maybe situps/goodmornings, pushups, squats, rest, squats, handstands, lunges, rest, pushups, dips etc... Equipment is a little limited, but I think this plan will help me minimize the time necessary for the workout, and should give me lots of lovely sore muscles. Upon my return home I can dive back into the regular schedule and hopefully not miss again for a while.


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