Thursday, December 06, 2007

So Sumo Me

Buttercups, 3 rounds for time

Run 200m
15 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls : Broomstick or 15#
15 Thrusters : Broomstick or 15#

Started at 20#, and to prevent puking I went down to broomstick for the next two rounds. Luckily I'd read up on this workout and it is a metabolic conditioning workout. Work it, and work it hard, and keep the weight light enough to do so. With a higher weight, you slow down and you get a very different result.

I was still pretty slow 6 minutes, 8 minutes, 5 minutes.

It did mark the first time EVER when the run felt like rest. I was bright red, sweating bullets, and Mr Oh-It's-So-Amusing-That-You-Are-Red came by with a couple of smart comments. On the last one I just said, panting, "You try it". He is very good-natured, and does mean well, but Jmz (brother) will hopefully agree that it is hard to think of full, socially graceful sentences mid-workout.

Sumo Deadlift Highpulls are fun. Sumo means wide leg stance. Deadlift means, um, deadlift. Highpull means you get it up to your chin.

Important points of note:

Deadlift form stipulates that you can lightly drag the bar up the fronts of your legs as you stand. Logically, when doing the highpull, you do this up to your shoulders. Unfortunately, I discovered that my boobs are very effective barriers to progress and just about unhinged my bra. Note to self, hoik the bar out a bit.

Second note to self. Don't hoik the bar too much, lest you punch yourself in the chin with a barbell.

Third note to self. Hair in bun does not survive this workout. Hair fell down. All of a sudden had five (yes, five) random men smile at me a say hi as I walked by. Gym rats do prefer blondes, I guess. Well, long hair at least.

Fourth note to self. Flipping through Muscles 'n Gonads or some such similar publication at the reading table, I noticed something. There was a proportion of the women who didn't look like women. There was some key element of femininity missing - a hardness to the face, a squareness to the jaw. All of these women had tremendously impressive bodies, and very oily tans, but this perfection seems to have sapped something from them too. That got me a-thinkin'. All of the uber-buff ladies on the Crossfit site have really impressive bodies too, but they are all stunning. Beautiful and healthy looking, and undeniably feminine, even if very lean and very buff. Makes me wonder about the hormonal effects of the Crossfit program.

Fifth note to self. Remember that this workout gives ya jelly legs.


Libby said...

Hey there, I discovered your blog today, and a current (wussy) crossfitter and native Minnesotan, I figured I'd say hi!

By the way, I did a version of this sprint/sumo/thruster workout today and it *definitely* turned my legs to jelly. Uf da!

J4 said...

Hi Libby! Good to meet you! Congrats on Jelly-ing your legs. Feels awful and awesome at the same time, eh? :)