Sunday, December 23, 2007

Really? That's all?


Playing with my new watch, and seeking ways to work out with no equipment at the inlaws.

Figured I'd try push-ups today. One in the first minute, two in second, three in the third, etc. Made much easier with bleepy mode on the watch.

My rules: These don't have to be perfect pushups, but they've got to be pretty good. The set has to be fairly continuous - pausing allowed, resting is not.

So what is the magic number?


Only seven. Boo! I failed on the sixth push-up in set number eight.

Well, that's actually pretty good progress. When I'm doing my 10 push-ups in my warmup, I usually rest a couple of times. This way I can guarantee that my form stays decent. Decentish.

So, I still can't do 10 awesome ones in a row, but I know that I can do 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 6 in less than eight minutes. 34. Maybe that's the power number of the day. Not 7, but 34.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey.... 7 is great! Push up's are killer! Don't say, "Only seven!" You need to do this again in a couple of months and see the progress you have made. Where were you a couple of months ago? Keep up the great work. ;)