Monday, December 03, 2007

Michael's Back!

I celebrated my return to Crossfit with my favorite workout. Wait... no, scratch that. Second favorite workout. My favorite is the dumbell swinging one. That's fun!

As a reminder, my Michael is:

Three rounds for time of
400 M run
10 back extensions
20 situps

Reflections compared to last time? Last time it took me 7 : 9 : 8 minutes (I think). This time it took 7:9:7 minutes (I think). Overall, I did it one minute faster this time.

Here's the funny thing, I made an effort to rest a lot less. I ran a bit slower, at 8 to 8.2 kmh rather than 8.3 to 8.5 kmh. I didn't take a moment to recover after running, and I went straight to the followup exercises.

So, I think I did each individual component a bit slower, but rested less so my overall time improved.


Oh, and the situps got easier as time went by. Explain that one to me.

Other things of note...

Had trouble having a brief conversation with my friend Tom during my third run. I could get about two words out at a time. Also got a wicked stitch. OW.

There was a two-person kettlebell class in the back room. That looks like fun! They were really sweet and didn't mind if I snuck in to do my situps. I was going to chat to the lady teaching it and ask about the classes, but she was swinging a kettlebell vigorously and I was trying not to toss my cookies, so I didn't have a chance to ask her.

I was, again, the only person in the gym who was all red and sweaty. Again. There were a couple of guys on weightlifting contraptions who were grunting plenty, but no sweaty. No red.

The closest I saw to someone suffering along with me was one of the ladies in the kettlebell class, she didn't look like she was terribly fit -pretty much, she looked like me- but she was working really hard. She was pushing her limits and it made me really happy to see her! I think she's going to be sore tomorrow.

1 comment:

JaHo said...

Grunty! No sweaty! Savvy?